Social attention
Obrint Portes (Itinerari of support to the insertion, economic support, flats received, orientation help, assessorament legal…)
Is a program d?Social attention and empoderament for women in situation of emergent poverty, that have lost the networks of support and, therefore, live in risk of exclusion. L?empoderament ?Personal and economic? It is the central axis of the program, with the main aim to accompany the women to obtain tools to live with the maximum autonomy and improve, like this, his living quality.
With the funding of: Ministerio of Hacienda y Función Public, Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generality of Catalonia and City council of Barcelona.
MAIS (Active Measures of Insertion)
Program addressed to people perceptores of the renda guaranteeed of citizenship (RGC), with special attention to the women, those in situation of male chauvinistic violence and those that have familiar responsibilities. The aim is to design with the people participants an individual plan d?Insertion that improve l?ocupabilitat And l?I approach to the labour market. In the MAIS, work different thematic modules (such as labour context, market of work and employments, channels and tools of research of work, formation in transversal competitions and formation in new technologies), in order to provide to the person tools and strategies. Likewise, potencien the itineraris of practical in companies and the processes of research of work in order that the people can have real opportunities d?Go in to the labour market.
Project funded by the Department of Company and Work and cofunded by European Social Found. The FSE invests to your future.
SADI Itineraris of accompaniment to migrated women
The program looks for that the women identify the backpack learnings with which count, put in value this capital, know the society d?Received and the market of work and, like this, purchase a better positioning to access . SADI offers integral support to the women, des d?Social attention to assessorament juridical.
Cofunded by Department of Social Rights of the Generality of Catalonia and City council of Barcelona
Rroma women Itineraris d’Acompanyament a dones gitanes (Itinerari Consorci de la Mina)
ROADS Itinerari de formació i inserció per a dones joves
ROADS is a projecte oriented to open diverse and flexible paths that help to young women to surpass obstacles and to access to the labour market in conditions of no discrimination. The empoderament is the transversal axis of the program that can fonamentar and consolidate the process of change and improvement of l?ocupabilitat. The performances that will carry out head to to open different paths for l?ocupabilitat And the professional and personal improvement and are structured in four big paths, in which concretise and systematise the aims of the program: actions d?Orientation, actions of professional and complementary formation, transversal actions of coaching personal and occupational, actions of prospecció and intermediació labour.
This program is focused on work orientation and insertion for women (cis and trans) that exert or have exerted sexual work. The aim is ofeering the possibility to develop their own professional and personal competences and, therefore, improve their ocupability, by means of the personal, vital and professional project. The last goal is guarantee their right to access to work market out of the TS, if like this wish it or contribute empowerment strategies for those that want to continue with the sexual work. The program offers a skilled attention and very adjusted to the personal and professional situation of each woman, fact that comports the work of multiple dimensions looking for the resources and services that allow to have options to improve his personal competitions and/or technical.
Cofinançat per:
Point of Energetic Advising
Points of Energetic Advising (PAE) are a municipal service for all the citizenship, focused on improving the energetic efficiency at home, as well as prevent and act in situations of energetic poverty. It treats d?A free service, opened to everybody that pretends to guarantee the energetic rights in front of the companies and sensitise the citizenship through workshops grupals. The Foundation Go out, gestionem the service jointly with other entities of the third sector, and we assume them in two areas, Eixample and Ciutat Vella.