Participatory Process ICI

 A News, Uncategorized @ca

SURT is participating in the Intercultural Community Intervention Project (ICI). The ICI, taking place in the neighborhoods of Artigues, El Remei and Sant Roc de Badalona, will hold a conference on March 15th, concerning intercultural coexistence as a way to share a space of dialogue in regards to diversity management.

In this conference, the results of the Coexistence Survey, collected in last year in the three neighborhoods, will also be presented. Carlos Giménez, professor of Anthropology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and director of the ICI Project, will lead the conference.

During the afternoon, there will also be a community conference where the results of the a participatory investigation will be presented, “Perspectives, participatory process to share South Badalona”

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